Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Somewhere in Kingsland...

Flat shopping occurs weekly at the Kamona and is divided up by five of us who eat together. We usually spend $35-$40 each per week which generally covers all of our meals. We take it in turns to do the shop at Foodtown, Silver Bell in Dominion Rd, Pak N Save Mt Albert or a mixture of them all. When the shopper returns home whoever is around must help unpack the food. Last week when there were no parks outside the flat, Chris parked in the middle of the street and unloaded the food onto the side of the road. This upset traffic coming in the opposite direction.

Treats: As a rule, treats aren't permitted on the flat account. But rent paid regularly and a bit of goodwill generally permits the flat account to absorb some party items and treats. Treats can be subjective, however. To some, yoghurt or herbal teas are seen as a need but are considered a treat by others. Similarly, girls tend to favour certain treats over boys and vice versa, such as yoghurt over ice-cream or bread over Anzac biscuits.

Shopping on specials.


  1. Hello Nat darling - so nice to have a window into your world. xx

  2. Thanks Amy! Look forward to reading your blogs :)
