Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Minor Characters

Somewhere in Kingsland...
The Kamona is known for its hospitality and mostly-open door policy. As a result, it is host to a string of minor characters.

Occupation: conspirator
Girlfriend: unknown. Weapons: unknown.
Quotes: "I called my cousin a tree once." "D'ya see what Treescape did to that tree down there?" "Can I come in for a coffee?"

Murray lives across the road, two doors down in a house he shares with John. Geoff used to live there until he poured transmission fluid into the water tank of John's son's car. Geoff "ran the place like a gang-house," according to Murray. Visitors can see themselves on the CCTV operating just inside the front door, beneath a sign that says, "You're on camera."

Occupation: pet. Pets: 0. Quotes: "Get your hands off me." "Ratfink!"
Maddy belongs to Paul and is approx. two years old. She has put on weight in recent times. There are several theories for this, one of them being that she doesn't fight other neighbourhood cats anymore, so she doesn't get sick. Paul had to spend a lot of money on Maddy after she was badly wounded in a fight. "If you want to lose money, buy a cat," he once said.

Dramatis Personae:
Tomato Sauce 6.5kg


Quotes: "Stop that party. I'm calling the cops" - back neighbour, quasi-left. "No more bonfires, none of that." - landlord (post Chris' party).

Chore Wheel
"If you have not done your chore this week you MUST do it by the end of the week. Its (sic) NOT fair on other flatmates. Play fair." Note left on fridge, circa August 2010. Capitals included.

Occupation: teacher. Age: 16. Girlfriend: 0. Points: 3490 (28/10/2010).

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