Sunday, August 28, 2011

Monday Morning

...Somewhere in Kingsland...

Mondays are like Sundays at The Kamona.

The first of many coffees
Willy making tea
Group shot, the porch

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Austerity Measures

Somewhere in Kingsland...

Our flat account may not be as much in deficit as some countries in the Euro Zone or the United States, yet the Kamona knows austerity.
To be a resident at The Kamona means to forgo creature comforts, such as insulation and heating, along with restricted movement in the food budget and heavy-handedness concerning the chore-wheel.
Chris climbing into his loft
 Three of the residents are fortunate to have "loft" beds close to the ceiling, generating slightly more warmth than others. The cat has taken to sitting in the showerbath after hot showers. Warm clothing and camping gear is run-of-the-mill leisure wear.

Ellen wearing warm clothing

 Morale remains high, however, with someone turning up the temperature of the butter conditioner so the butter is spreadable.